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Ad Age Next: CMO 2022 Recap

January 11, 2023

2 Minuti di lettura

It is no secret that the global impact of gaming is significant, and advertisers are taking notice. But what is it about the gaming channel that sets it apart from the rest? At its core, gaming is social in nature, connecting players through fandom, fostering bonds and cultivating shared experiences and a sense of community for those that play. For advertisers, this is an enormous opportunity to reach engaged consumers – ones that are not only paying attention, but welcome relevant advertising experiences within the gaming channel. 

To close out 2022, Jonathan Stringfrield, VP Global Business Research & Marketing joined Ad Age’s, John Dioso at Ad Age Next: CMO for a fireside chat to discuss just this: the social impact of gaming, how consumers are oriented around the channel, and the vast opportunity for advertisers to engage.

"Understanding gaming as a channel and those who game as a consumer audience requires a fundamental reorganization of how we have a relationship with a medium" stated Stringfield when asked how audiences interact with gaming. There is only opportunity ahead for brands that choose to engage in the right way, and meet consumers where they are.

Ad Age CMO Next Recap with Activision Blizzard Media

The Real Social Connector: How Gaming Drives Community, Authenticity, and Engagement, examines the power of fandom, and the unique ability to foster and enhance bonds through gameplay. By uncovering why people play and how the social elements of gaming support a sense of community, advertisers can harness new opportunities to reach interactive and engaged audiences like never before.

For more information about Activision Blizzard Media’s in-game ad experiences, click here or contact ads@activisionblizzardmedia.com to set an appointment to learn more.

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